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Market Favorites

Furniture Market is in full swing and it is so bittersweet for me each season. When I started my design business over 12 years ago, High Point Furniture Market was a must--twice every year. I never missed a Fall or Spring Market for years. Seeing the newest trends and our favorite furniture reps, searching out new lines for the showroom and sitting on countless chairs, sofas, benches - oh my! It all sounds fun and exciting but attending Market is about so much more for a retail store owner. As much as I loved seeing the trends and styles for the upcoming seasons, I had to consider my target market and what they would be asking for in 3-6 months. Forecasting is one of the toughest aspects of my duty as a designer and shop owner. But as mentally and physically exhausting as it can be, I always looked forward to attending Market with great anticipation and excitement. That was, until life changed as I knew it--baby #1! Well, baby #1 might be my design business (based on all of the time and love I've poured into it). But when our first child was born the week of Spring Furniture Market in, my days of travelling came to a screeching halt. Then our second child was born 3 years later, you guessed it, during Fall Market. What are the chances!! As expected, my children's came first and birthday celebrations soon replaced Market trips. And soon after all this baby business, my design business took off in a direction that was unexpected-destination project after destination project. It seemed like every time Market rolled around, we were on a destination installation-not that I'm complaining about getting to work on the beach and in the mountains. So, now my Market trips are few and far between, and I rely on my amazing sales reps to keep me ahead of the trends. These changes haven't changed my love for the hunt or my drive to stay on top of the newest styles--I just have to do it from a distance now. And until I make it back to High Point, North Carolina, I will share some of my favorite new products with you, through the eyes of our vendors! Enjoy.....

Get ready to see some of these beauties at on our showroom floor this Fall. We can't wait for all the new product to start arriving! Happy Wednesday!

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